Wednesday 12 October 2011

The Challenges of Roustabout Jobs

It seems that many people are interested in roustabout jobs these days. There are two primary reasons this seems to be the case. The first is the potential money one can make as a non-skilled laborer. And the second is the appeal of half the work time for nearly twice the pay.

I want to challenge you to think about what this type of career choice entails. When compared to other jobs, there has to be a reason why companies are willing to pay you larger wages as well as offer more time off. Listed below are four challenges you need to keep in mind before taking this career step.

Four Roustabout Job Challenges

Time Away - Most people talk about the time off as an incentive to consider a roustabout position. It is true that there is an unusual amount of time off in these positions. However, it is also true you will be gone for two to four weeks at a time. People don't tell you that some times you will have to live in a motel close to the helicopter port. This will count as time off, but you will need to be available to fly back to the job at a moments notice. So if you are a family person, this is something you will want to consider before jumping into this career.
Physically Challenging - Roustabout jobs are for the physically fit. These positions do not require super human strength. However, they are physically demanding. You can expect to do a great deal of lifting as well as carrying things. If the rig needs painted or cleaned, then you will be the person for these responsibilities. If ships need to be unloaded, this will fall under your duties. These positions require stamina and endurance. And after a twelve-hour shift, you won't be interested in much beyond sleeping.
High Risk - An oil rig can be a highly dangerous environment. Great care is given to the safety of all workers. However, one wrong move and the whole place can go up in flames. This is not meant to scare you. But this is a job with a real element of danger. If you have been around dangerous situations, then you may be able to cope with this better than others. This is not an environment for hot heads. It is a place to remain cool and focused on the tasks of the day.
Team Work - An oil rig requires a group of people to work together closely. You will be working and living with people for two or more weeks at a time. The days are long and the nights are short. This simply means that people can get on one another's nerves easily. In order to get the daily tasks completed you will have to rely upon other team members. So being able to make friends is a real advantage in this work environment.

Roustabout jobs offer great opportunities for those who have the right mindset. If you are only thinking about the money and vacation time, you need to do some serious re-evaluating. This may still be the right job for you. But don't allow people to sell you on hype. Remember, there is a high turnover rate in this profession. It might be worth your while to question why.

If you are looking for a job on an offshore oil certain to check out You can learn more about this work by clicking on Roustabout Jobs.

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